My silly boys

My silly boys
Can you say cheese?

Monday, September 22, 2008


I got the October Ensign today and started flipping through it. I was drawn to an article regarding abortion written by Elder Russell M. Nelson. I was completely blown away by a statistic that they quoted. "Worldwide reports indicate that more than 40 million abortions are performed per year." That is more than were killed in WWI and WWII combined....every year. Ok so thats a lot to interpret. Listen to this. In the United States there are between 3 and 4 million live births per year. In the same year there are about 1 million abortions. This is what I find so shocking. 1 in every 3-4 pregnancies end in abortion....What part of "thou shalt not kill nor do anything like unto it" do we not understand?
Before I had children, I thought that in certain instances abortion would be ok, like rape or incest. Now that I've had children I know that as soon as that child is conceived, no matter how it is conceived, it is a child. It begins the process of building a brain and a heart. According to Elder Nelson who is also a Medical Doctor, that child has a beating heart and a functioning circulatory system within 30 days of conception.
I don't agree with abortion on demand. If you make a choice to create a life, then you are also choosing the blessing or consequence that comes with that choice. We don't have the right to take the choice away from the unborn child. They are defenseless. I am so sad that not more women in this country value the life of thier unborn children.
Along the same lines, A gay couple flew on my airline the other day with newborn twins. They had a little girl and a little boy. They may be really nice guys and have the ability to provide those babies with all the material things they need in this life, but they cannot give those children the mother they need. If you are gonna choose to live a gay lifestyle then you choose to give up the benefits of a marriage between a man and a woman, the only way in which children come into this world. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Thats all I'm gonna say about that.

1 comment:

The Higham Family said...

I just read that article too and was also blown away- I'm glad they're addressing such a huge issue, especially right now around election time when people need to know what kind of people to put in office!

On a different note, I'm glad to see you in blog land! I didnt know you started one- welcome :)